Decoding Renewable Energy Engineering: Tackling the Infrastructure Gap

September 28, 2023

So, you think renewable energy is as easy as planting some wind turbines or solar panels and calling it a day? There’s a behind-the-scenes player you're probably overlooking: infrastructure.


Imagine You're Ready to Change the World

You’ve got this killer solar farm project in mind. Investors love it, and everything seems golden until—plot twist—you discover your ideal spot is nowhere near a city. Now, imagine you're not a seasoned developer but someone just dipping their toes into the renewable energy pool. The immediate concern becomes: how do we even connect this to the grid?


Keystone to the Rescue

That's where we come in. At Keystone Engineering, we’re not just about drawing up blueprints. We offer specialized Owner Engineering Services that go beyond just checking boxes. We actually develop solid infrastructure plans that gel with your project's unique needs.


The Unseen Challenges

Now, let’s say you’re a Non-Engineering-Centric Developer or Owner. You've got the passion but might lack the technical know-how. For you, infrastructure can become a nasty roadblock that you didn't even see coming. That's where our Owner Engineering Services shine. We get into the weeds so you don’t have to, sort out how to bring power from your remote project back to civilization.


What's Next?

So, it’s not just about setting up renewable energy projects. It’s about laying down the groundwork that makes these projects feasible in the first place. And let me tell you, whether it's a remote windfarm or a solar project close to home, we're all about turning barriers into breakthroughs.


Stay Tuned: Don’t miss the next chapter, where we’ll discuss another challenge, Public Opposition.